아키텍처와 공학 2009. 10. 26. 10:17

Logical View

This view of the architecture addresses the functional requirements of the system, in other words, what the system should do for its end users, It is an abstraction of the design model and identifies major design packages, subsystems, and classes.
Examples include a flight, a flight plan, an airway, an airport, and an airspace package

Implementation View
This view describes the organization of static software modules(source code, data files, components, executables, and other accompanying artifacts)in the development environment in terms of packaging and layering and in terms of configuration management(ownership, release strategy, and so on). It addresses the issues of ease of development, management of software assets, reuse, subcontracting, and off-the-shelf components.
 Examples include the source code for a flight class and the library of code for an airspace database

Process View
This view addresses the concurrent aspects of the system at runtime-tasks, threads, or processes as well as their interactions. It addresses issues such as concurrency and parallism, system startup and shutdown, fault tolerance, and object distribution. It deals with issues such as deadlock, response time, throughput, and isolation of functions and faults. It is concerned with scalability.
 Examples are a flight management process, flight plan entry process, and an airspace management process.

Deployment View
This view shows how the various executables and other runtime components are mapped to the underlying platforms or computing nodes. It is here that software engineering meets system engineering. It address issues such as deployment, installation, and performance.
 For example, the flight management process runs on the main flight processor, whereas the flight plan entry processes run on any workstation

Use-Case View
This view plays a special role with regard to the architecture. It contains a few key scenarios or use cases. Initially, these are used to drive the discovery and design of architecture in the inception and elaboration phases, but later they will be used to validate the different views. These few scenarios act to illustrate in the software architecture document how the other views work.
 Examples are the entry of a flight plan and the handover of responsibility to another air traffic controller.

Posted by sjokim